I want to introduce you to Beatrice, my pretty yellow bicycle, mon petit velo jaune...
Back in June I thought about my bike (who was going by the name Trixie back then...you'll see why in a moment) and decided it was time for a change...a new phase of our relationship and a new phase of her life. We met 3 years ago at a garage sale when I was looking for a blank canvas to prepare for the Playa. We'd had some good times...
But she was getting a little out of shape. I didn't spend nearly enough time with her...any time at all really. I thought about breaking up with her, but decided to help her adjust to San Francisco life...get out there and roll around together.
So...I started with this Black Rock City beauty, Trixie (reflecty tape, EL wire lights, fuzzy orange handlebars, sun-brella holster, pink bucket, dust dust dust)...
...transitioned through this...
And we've now arrived at this...
Isn't she pretty? Doesn't she look all grown up? Beatrice's paint job is called Easter Yellow...which is basically the color of a marshmallow Peep, or a legal pad. At first glance you might think I took away all her personality, but oh no. She's still got some sass. I'm going to find her some sweet reflectors and repaint her bell. Maybe I can find a way to put her pink EL wire lights on again?
I'm so proud of finishing my goal...I understand bike mechanics so much better now after taking her apart,
cleaning her, repainting her, and putting her back together (only a
couple of washers and one bolt leftover, ha ha). She still needs a
little fine tuning, a little paint touch-up, and a new saddle (she's
actually kind of small for tall me)...but we went for a ride on Friday night and had a great time. Now that I can rider her, I kind of like that there will always be some little thing I can work on to make her better (a hobbyist is born?). I definitely got discouraged and frustrated and overwhelmed...but I just took my time (5 months!) and worked on her when I really really wanted to. And I asked for help...Thanks to my friend Aaron, the dudes at Roaring Mouse Cycles, and The Husband.
she looks great. now you just have to find her a date!!!
Every lady needs a new "Do" once in awhile. I love her!
Great post babe!!!
she's gorgeous!
i love everything about this post.
great work, m'lady! i am impressed. bravo.
Ride safe, and always, and I do mean always, wear your helmet. You might level that seat out a bit too. A saddle with a nose up like that might put unnecessary pressure on some sensitive areas.
I hope you have lots of fun together.
Wow! I'm sooo impressed. Why Beatrice?
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