Hello from the Sagebrush Coast!
How about a little intro and a tiny tour?
Sagebrush Coast is a place for creativity, curiosity, and craftiness.
This new place excites me and makes me feel alert and alive...so I named it after places in the world which are dear to my heart...the desert and the sea.
Sagebrush Coast is a new blog for me, Sara, to freely share things I'm interested in & things I'm doing or making. You can read, enjoy, comment, and share too.
"That doesn't sound any different from your old blog, slimartsgirl."
You my friends may not notice a difference, but to me, my old blog was dragging me down...if only emotionally. I felt self-conscious, frustrated, and defeated around the business side of Slim Arts. The part of me that loves making stuff suffered. I'm finally picking my creative self up and heading in a positive new direction instead of bashing my head against a brick wall. I feel inspired.
Buttons & Widgets
Look to your left...explore the fun buttons to learn more about how I arrived at Sagebrush Coast, connect to me on Twitter and Pinterest, check out some of the blogs and websites I'm clicking on, and see a little bit of silliness.
Look to your right...subscribe to this new blog, check out what book I'm currently reading, browse thru different topics [looking spare now...but it's a brand new blog...give a girl a chance!], grab a widget to post on your own site, and see people and projects I'm connecting with.
Sagebrush Coast will have some regular features, including Messy Mondays, wherein I make a creative mess out of a book. You'll also see Where Wednesdays, wherein I and a series of guest bloggers talk about places that are important to us, be they work spaces, outdoor spaces, sleeping spaces, places we visit, places we live, places we drink coffee, etc. etc. [do you want to talk about a place or space that's important to you? let me know and I'll set you up with a Wednesday!]. Recurring occasional features will be Book Reports and Friday Five.
Thank you so very much for your support and readership.
This new blog space grew out of a year of self-reflection, time-juggling, thinking about creativity and business, and interacting with the online crafty community. It all came together into a flash of inspiration in early December...the perfect creative storm! I'm so grateful for all the encouragement I get from all of you.
I'm so pleased and proud that I've created this new venue for myself, my friends, my family, and anyone who cares to stop by for a peek. I love it, and I hope you do too! Happy new year!
Come back later today for my first Where Wednesday post!
this is so exciting...i am very happy for you. :)
this new adventure is going to be fun fun fun.
congratulations + happy new year!
You inspire me! I am going to stop hmming and hawing and get back to the blog and continue to explore with it. I love your new design, it's fresh and innovative.
Love the new site! I'm sending good vibes and positive energy your way! Here's to a new year full of fresh inspiration!
your new blog looks great! would you mind sharing how you customized it, or where you learned? i have most of it down but i am curious about how you install buttons you made to lead to other pages...
Congrats. I'm excited to see the enthusiasm you have for this reborn blog. - Ian
I love it Sara! Interesting quirk picture. Funny...I've done that very same head dunk. I am looking forward to reading and chatting on Sagebrush Coast. This is the perfect creative outlet for you. I love you!
thanks everyone :) i appreciate all of you!
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