This post was originally published on Photogwife in July 2011
Recently our home has been filled with activities related to Scott's alternative photo process projects. It started last fall when he was browsing the bookshelf at home at picked up this book...
Recently our home has been filled with activities related to Scott's alternative photo process projects. It started last fall when he was browsing the bookshelf at home at picked up this book...
built his own box camera based on a project in this book. The camera
is made for a 6x6 inch negative. He even built a beautiful carrying
of course, you can't build your own camera and not also build your own a few weeks ago the book came out again and the next phase of
what I'm calling The Old Timey Photo Project began. The book Primitive
Photography is a little strangely worded at times, so while building the
camera and preparing the negatives Scott has been juggling information
from it, his own brain, and another book on alternative processes. He's
trying a few different techniques for making paper negatives...some with
wax, some without, some with extra silver nitrate...
bathroom now converts within a matter of moments into a darkroom
capable of supporting a variety of photographic processes of the last
150+ years...which of course requires a variety of chemicals...
safety equipment too. The fun/interesting part of this project is that
it follows the ancestral roots of photography...a slow, complicated, and
somewhat unpredictable process. What an interesting challenge for a
modern photographer and an opportunity to more fully understand the
subject he is so passionate about. And then there's me...I've been
having fun jumping in with my iPhone and taking photos in an instant
which I convert to 'Old Timey' with the flick of a finger (all the pics
here are via my iPhone, converted with the Sutro filter on Instagram).
first round of exposures yielded some promising results when they were
developed (above) and Scott will try making prints from these in the
coming weeks. The second and third rounds have been an exercise in
problem solving (too much gallic acid? not enough contrast in the scene?
...?). I'll keep you posted.
you'd like to read more about this project from Scott's perspective
(and see his self-portrait wearing safety gear) check out his blog Mountain Over Water under the category "Projects" or feel free to drop me a comment or email with your questions.
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