Wednesdays have turned into one of my favorite blog projects! Where Wednesdays are a regular feature here on the Sagebrush Coast where people share the places that are important to them, be they work spaces, outdoor spaces, sleeping spaces, places we visit, places we live, places we drink coffee, etc. etc. I'm looking for guest bloggers for April (and beyond) to write a Where Wednesday post. Pass the word around and send me an email [sara(at)sagebrushcoast(dot)com] if you'd like to participate.
If you are a past Where Wednesday guest, you are more than welcome to write again...we all have many favorite places! I hope you're in one of your favorite places today ♥
P.S. I added a 'popular posts' feature in the left's interesting and at the time I wrote this, it featured 2 Where Wednesday posts!
I'll get cracking on mine this weekend... looking forward to it!
Dearest Sara,
I love this project. You and your blog are adorable. I'm so happy I found you.
Fritzi Marie
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